George Patterson profile

Performance Details

Batting and fielding history
 Total 550985119.601600111
Season: 2024
 All teams550985119.601600111

Bowling history
Recent performances

For performances since

  • Performances
  • Batting by position
  • Batting by dismissal
01 Sep 2024 4th XI v Purbrook CC 2nd XI 33  Ct 0, St 1, Ro 0
27 Jul 2024 4th XI v Hayling Island CC 2nd XI 4  Ct 0, St 0, Ro 0
13 Jul 2024 4th XI v Portsmouth Community CC 1st XI 6  Ct 0, St 0, Ro 0
29 Jun 2024 4th XI v Emsworth CC 2nd XI 51  Ct 1, St 0, Ro 0
22 Jun 2024 4th XI v Petersfield CC 2nd XI 4  Ct 0, St 0, Ro 0
PositionInningsAverageTotal Runs
Mode of dismissalInnings