Portsmouth Cricket Club - 2025 News story

💙Bethan's Big Bash💛

31 Jul 2022

Dear Members and Friends

Join us on Monday 8th August at Portsmouth Cricket Club to remember our friend and fellow cricketer Bethan Watkinson.

Bethan's Big Bash is a fundriasing event organised by the Hampshire Cricket Board and PCC in memory of Bethan and will include players from her teams when she played for PCC and Hampshire.

Matches will be playing in hardball sixes competition starting at 10am.

It would be lovely if you also invite family and friends to cheer on the players and to enjoy the refreshments, BBQ, music, activities and cricket coaching opportunities.

Time: Arrive 09:30, matches start at 10:00 to approx. 17:00

Donations: We welcome donations to either Cricket without Boundaries or Children with Cancer UK chosen by Catrin, Paul and Freya. These can be made by dedicated Just Giving pages at:

Cakes: We would also like to have cakes on sale to raise additional funds – Please email Sally Sproul and let her know of your cake donation on sallysproul@icloud.com if you would be willing to bring a cake (shop bought or homemade) on the day.