Portsmouth Cricket Club - 2025 News story

Update: Exciting plans for St Helens pavilion renovations

25 Oct 2020


Dear Members and Friends,  


I am writing to inform you that Portsmouth Cricket Club has submitted a planning application to Portsmouth City Council to renovate the fifty-year-old pavilion at St. Helens.


We will be holding (Covid compliant) open days at the club on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th November between 12 noon and 4 pm. Committee members will be present and they will be delighted to talk you through the club’s plans.


We have some funding already in place and pledges for further funding. We are also planning to open a crowdfunding page in the very near future.


This is your cricket club and your feedback at this stage is greatly welcomed.

In summary, the club is hoping to complete the following work:

·         Replace the old and rotten cladding to the outside of the building with a modern attractive composite cladding. Also, the existing brickwork will be rendered to match the new cladding. This will greatly enhance the exterior appearance of the pavilion.

·         Existing first-floor balcony to be repaired and updated.

·         Small ground floor extension to provide space to form a new wheelchair accessible WC and new male toilets behind. 

·         Internal work to the existing changing rooms to provide modern, flexible multipurpose changing areas. Importantly this will include changing provisions for girls and women; this is a rapidly growing section at the club. 


Here's a snapshot of some of the proposed changes; 



We would love to see you at one of the open days. Alternatively, let myself or a committee member know your feedback.


Best wishes,


Rick Marston,

Portsmouth Cricket Club Chairman